My daughter's birthday is in December but since its her last days in Kindergarden before stepping into the big world, she requested that her birthday be brought forward so that she could celebrate her birthday with her friends. When asked how should I design the cake, automatically she said, "I want a Princess Castle cake. And I want it to be beautiful".
I had baked two cakes earlier and wanted to start decorating the cake Sunday morning but since my in-laws were here, my plan got sidetracked. I only started decorating them in the afternoon.
I decided on pink and purple cake and everything was going smoothly until i kneaded my fondant. That was when the "problem" started. Due to the unfavourable weather - it was humid and raining, the fondant turned soft. I did added some icing sugar to it and finally managed to cover the cakes nicely. I was decorating the 2nd tier cake, humming songs to myself with the television blaring away when I noticed that the walls that was attached to the first tier cake started to slide away. To my dismay, the fondant had turned soft! Ugh! of all days, this had to be the day the fondant decided to have a mind of its own. I mended the cake as much as I could and kept them in an air-cond room, praying that the walls would not fall down in the morning. To my huge relief, the walls stayed hard.
When my daughter woke up, she was jumping up and down admiring the cake and smiling from ear to ear. Ah! Such joy to see her face light with happiness and amazement that the hard work and late night was well worth it. I only managed to get picture of the cake as I could not wait for her to cut the cake at her school. When she came back she was still smiling telling me her friends all admired the cake and there was no leftovers.
My son's birthday is in December and he has already given me a list of the designs that he wants. :)
This is the cake, a Princess Castle for Princess Ayra's 6th birthday.